Lucia Bordáčová, Monika Kaldararová, Peter Tittel, Marián Hrebík, Jozef Mašura
Introduction: Establishment of staged surgical treatment of various forms of complex congenital heart disease in Slovak republic results in enhance of patients with need of special follow-up and multidisciplinary approach. Main indications for catheterization intervention in these patients present clinical signs of prolonged hypoxia and acute or chronic cardiac failure (ventricular dysfunction, low cardiac output, effusions etc.). Patients and results: In this work we summarize the need for cath intervention in our group of patients in the period of October 2003 - December 2006. For evaluation we used retrospective analysis of cath lab records of 67 patients. The most frequent diagnoses in our group of patients remain hypoplastic left heart syndrome, pulmonary atresia and double outlet right ventricle. Mean age at time of cath intervention was 6 years 9 months. The most numerous interventions present fenestration closure (34,9 %), occlusion of systemic collaterals (26,7 %) and angioplasty of pulmonary artery branches (23,3 %). Conclusion: According to our results by increasing amount of patients with single ventricle haemodynamics after surgical approach, this group of patients tends to be at risk for the need for following cath interventions.
Key word: single ventricle circulation, Fontan operation, need for cath intervention