Vladimír Baláž
Objective: Kidney transplantation has become the method of treatment of end stage renal disease during the last few years. Because of good survival of the graft amd minimum menance of the donor, living donor transplantations are gaining the ground.
Material and methods: This study restrospectively evaluates 387 patients transplanted in the Center of transplantations of the F. D. Roosevelt hospital in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, during the years 1991 - 2002. The patients were divided into 2 groups, depending on the method of obtuining the graft (living or cadaveric donor). In each group, primary function of the graft, function of the graft after first year after the transplantation, function of the graft after 3 years after transplantation and survival rate of the recipient 3 years after the transplantation. The difference in between the groups was statistically evaluated by the level of statistical significance of less then 0,05. Sequentially, we evaluated the influence of the following characteristics: age, repeated transplantations, the duration of the dialysis, the duration of old ischemia.
Results: When interpreting the results, we found statistically significant gifferences on formation of the primary funnction of the graft, one year survival of the graft and 3 year survival of the graft. When interpreting the influence of particular characteristics, we didn´t find statistically significant impact.
Conclusion: Living donor transplantations have significantly better results. Most probable reason is whole complex of effect. Planning of the operation, narrow preparation of the donor and recipient, a short duration of cold ischemia etc. Constant development of the preparation of the pair donor – recipient and establishment of new methods of kidney demanding, leads to a significant portion of living donors transplantation.