Denisa Kočišová, Eva Joppová, Nina Fatulová, Alžbeta Tóhátyová, Božena Nováková, Ingrid Schusterová, Milan Kuchta
Background: Obesity of children and adolescents is a well-known and serious health problem and its prevalence has increased
dramatically in the past decades. Steatosis is a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome and it increases
the risk of development of cardiovascular diseases.
Patients: We examined 135 high school students in the age 15 – 21 years since november 2014 to May 2015 on Children’s
departement of Medical College in University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik and Children’s Hospital in Košice, after getting
signed informed consent.
Methods: In the group of accidentally chosen healthy high school students we focused on the prevalence of obesity, liver
steatosis, presence of cardiovascular risk factors and we compared relationship among it.
Results: There were 40 obese and 95 non-obese patients in our group of adolescents. From 19 adolescents with liver
steatosis there were 10 obese and 9 non-obese adolescents. In all of them and separately in the group with liver steatosis
we detected prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors – presence of high level of cholesterol in blood, hyperglycaemia
and high blood pressure.
Conclusion: The results of our study have proven conclusions of recent studies and strong connection beteen liver steatosis
and obesity. Prevalence of liver steatosis in the group of adolescents was 14.07%. Also the presence of cardiovascular
risk factors in younger patients with liver steatosis was proven. The purpose of this publication was to point on
the importance of early detection of liver steatosis mainly in obese children and the focus on the prevention of possible
cardiometabolic complications.