Michaela Grossová, Lenka Reismüllerová, Viera Belušáková, Jozef Války
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a complication in controlled ovarian stimulation in assisted reproductive techniques.
The incidence ranges from 0.5 % to 11 %. While the exact aetiological factor responsible for the pathogenesis of
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is still unknown, the syndrome is known to be dependent on human chorionic gonadotropin.
More recently, numerous vasoactive substances have been implicated in the pathophysiology of the ovarian
hyperstimulation, while vascular endothelial growth factor plays a crucial role. It is important to select patients with
high risk of hyperstimulation and individualise ovarian stimulation. With logical monitoring during the stimulation, we
can prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome using the cancellation of the cycle, coasting, triggering oocytes maturation
with GnRH agonists in protocols with GnRH antagonists, cabergoline treatment and vitrification all embryos. In
risk patients protocol with in vitro maturation of oocytes is recommended.