Petra Skalová, Martin Vojtko, Denisa Osinová, Slavomíra Lauková
Introduction: Biopsy of the transplanted kidney is a performance which represents the most sensitive diagnostics of
the cause of dysfunction of a kidney graft. The most frequent complication after biopsy of the graft is microscopic haematuria
(almost 100 %).
Material and methods: In the group of patients after kidney transplant we retrospectively evaluated presence of complications
in biopsy of the graft. We discovered representative character of the sample and percentage of the patients
whose immunosuppressive regime was changed based on biopsy.
Results: The group comprised 203 patients who underwent minimum one biopsy of the graft, and in total 297 biopsies
of grafts were realised during the monitored period. The most frequent complication of biopsy was microscopic haematuria
(90 %), P < 0.0001. Macroscopic haematuria was recorded in 8 % cases. No haemodynamically serious bleeding
was recorded. In 6 patients, AV was diagnosed after biopsy. 98 % were representative samples. In 68 cases the histology
described the toxicity of calcineurin inhibitors. This diagnosis mostly led to a change of the immunosuppressive regimen
– in 21 patients.
Conclusion: Biopsy of transplanted kidney is a performance with extremely small risk of complications.