Laura Gombošová
The incidence of diverticulosis and diverticular disease of the colon is increasing worldwide. It is related to unhealthy
lifestyle, increasing obesity, lack of the movement and the lack of the fibre in the food. The microbiota and dysbiosis
is one of the very important etiopathogenetic agent in diverticular disease of the colon. It is becoming a significant
burden on national health systems in terms of direct and indirect costs. Uncomplicated symptomatic diverticular disease
comes under gastroenterologist management. The most often complication of diverticular disease is acute
diverticulitis, can be managed by gastroenterologist, also by surgeon. The special position acute diverticular diverticular
bleeding has. It can be treated conservatively with intervention endoscopy. The Slovak guidelines on diverticular
disease were published in the 2016 year. The guide is not only for gastroenterologist and surgeons, but is contributive
also for the internists and general practitioners, for early recognition the patients with diverticular disease.