Martina Figurová, Magdaléna Kovářová, Anna Krajčovičová, Igor Šturdík, Juraj Payer
Hyperkalaemia, increased physiological level of potassium (K+) above normal levels in the blood (3.8 to 5.0 mmol/l), is
a common laboratory abnormality accompanying various diseases and acute conditions. Potassium plays an important
role in the formation and nerve conduction as the major intracellular ion, plays an important role in digestive processes,
regulation of homeostasis, metabolism. Clinically significant hyperkalaemia occurs when potassium levels rise over
6 mmol/l, with a dangerous rise above 7 mmol/l. Given the close relationship between acid-base balance and ionogram,
hyperkalemia should be considered in relation to pH. At elevated serum potassium levels, may be the total levels in the
body increased, normal and reduced.