Dana Prídavková, Martin Migra, Peter Červeň, Marián Mokáň
Individuals with prediabetes are almost at two-fold risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality, and diabetes mellitus
type 2 (DM2) is developed every year in 5-10% of untreated patients. Prediabetic stages may be the main cause of
complications which are later included among the main causes of DM2. It is more demanding to deal with the genetic
issues in DM2 than in DM1. The disease is polygenic in its nature. There are many genetic variations which influence the
phenotype of an ill individual. In recent years, the whole genome association studies have revealed evidence for genetic
predisposition for development of prediabetes. There is an assumption that current development of genetic diagnostics
will allow stratifying the prediabetic and diabetic conditions according to occurrence of ”prodiabetogenic” genes
or high-risk nucleotide polymorphisms instead of advanced phenotype parameters.