Pavel Kohout
Malnutrition is a pathological condition which is caused by disproportion in intake and consumption of basic nutrients and energy. In gastroenterological practice it occurs quite often; according to results of the patient’s nutritional condition in Slovakia, moderate risk of malnutrition appears in 21.2 % and high risk in another 20.5 % of patients who came to see Slovak gastroenterologists. In view of the fact that malnutrition is worsening the course of digestive tract diseases (e.g. idiopathic intestinal inflammations, namely Crohn’s disease but also ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic pancreatitis) and it might lead to occurrence of complications, it is necessary to detect it early enough and avoid severe forms of malnutrition. An ideal tool seems to be screening of nutritional risk in the outpatient departments of gastroenterologists. Malnutrition is necessary to be solved as soon as possible and according to its severity and necessity of fast adjustment it is necessary to choose a suitable tool for its treatment - either sipping or probe enteral nutrition.