Jan Martínek
The inhibitors of the proton pump (IPP) are one of the most frequently taken in the history of medicine, which is very
effective in the treatment of many diseases of the digestive tract, especially the reflux disease of the oesophagus. At
the same time, these medicaments are very safe; adverse effects are rare and in a serious, adverse complications quite
rare. After more than twenty years of the presence of IPP in the market is in the present literature and media, many
speculations occurred regarding possible harmful effects of the treatment with IPP – among others there is dementia,
the influence of male fertility, osteoporosis, pathological fractures, chronic disease of the kidneys and so on. The majority
of studies, which suggest the association (but not causality) among the given adverse effect and the treatment with
IPP is retrospective either it is analysis from databases, whose quality is questionable. Moreover, the majority of those
adverse effects with IPP is associated weakly, so basically it is not probative. On the other hand, it is obvious, that it
comes to overuse of IPP and it is agreed that these medicaments should (same as the other medicaments) have been
taken, when they are indicated - for the inevitably needed period and in the lowest dose.