Tibor Ďuriš, Jaroslava Bernátová
Acute coronary syndromes are the most frequent cause of acute cardiological hospitalisations, have significant lethality,
often lead to disability of patients and to their rehospitalisations. According to the ECG record we distinguish acute
coronary syndrome with ST elevations and acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST elevation. This division has
its practical importance for the following therapeutical strategy and instant patient’s management. In patients with
STE-ACS the strategy of immediate recanalisation of the coronary artery, at NSTE-ACS the procedure might be differentiated
according to patient’s risk stratification. However, neither recanalisation provide permanent success, it is just
the beginning of complex therapeutic care, the aim of which is to cover all mechanisms inducing arterial thrombogenesis.
It is predominantly anticoagulation, antithrombotic and antiischaemic treatment.
To found standard therapeutic procedures in patients with ACS and verification of adherence to ESC guidelines on ACS
treatment was the aim of research on acute coronary syndrome (PAKSY), which was accomplished in 2014-2015. From
results it is clear that patients receive dual antithrombotic treatment in concert with recommendations, it means acetylsalicylic
acid (ASA) and ticagrelor in the majority of cases.