Miroslav Mikulecký
A categorical imperative for a physician at the first contact with a patient is to determine the extent of water and electrolytes´ losses and to correct them by rehydration. The peroral route is often sufficient. Only subsequently, a specific cause has to be searched for. The primary role here belongs to the history, oriented particularly epidemiologically: how the infection happened? After what meal or drink? When? Who suffers from similar problems? Symptoms and signs differentiate between „cholera“ and „dysentery“ types. Today’s methods (Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR) identify the responsible agens during a few hours. This is important rather for epidemiologic investigation. An antibiotic treatment is considered only in selected cases. Also prevention, e.g. using glycans, proceeds to the molecular level of knowledge. Unfortunately, protection against bioterror has to be included, too.