Adriena Sakalová, Pavel Kotouček, Miroslav Hrianka, Zdenka Štefániková, Katarína Masárová, Mikuláš Hrubiško, Martin Mistrík Zdenka Konečná, Dana Cholujová, Ján Sedlák, Braňo Czako
Introduction: Epigenetics is a new science studying influence of environment on functioning of our genes. These changes in up and down regulating of genes can cause diseases but cannot change the structure of genes. Epigenetic therapy is based on data from molecular genetics and is targeting those environmental factors. Integrative treatment is an effective combination of a conventional and a complementary (supportive) approach in the complex and comprehensive therapeutic programme. Multiple myeloma is a malignant process formed gradually by somatic mutations with extensive variability and polymorphism under the influence of external factors. Current molecular-genetic research on myeloma yields new data on the mechanism of novel drugs in repairing of damaged DNA by methylation, changes of histone proteins and others. These drugs are very efficient in prolonging of overall survival. Methods: Epigenetic and integrative therapeutic methods used in the management of multiple myeloma in cohort of 1 010 myeloma patients in a national centre for MM treatment during 40 years. Results and summary: In accordance with the literature overall survival above 10 years has been improved in 20 % of patients by combined intensive chemotherapy with an integrative supportive treatment (bisphosphonates, proteolytic enzymes, dietary and other immuno-modulators). Resulting from long-term clinical studies and questionnaires quality of life has improved and 59 % of respondents from a pilot study are satisfied with standard treatment (conventional treatment) and 54 % of them use also integrative (complementary) treatment successfully.