Mária Szántová
The paper is reminding the message from Niederland’s school and studies of hepatic metabolism with his closest
co-workers. It is going back to findings which in their period were ahead of the time. Brixova already in 1978 described
the risk of fibrosis at hepatic steatosis; she documented the frequency of incidence (¹⁄3 of patients with hepatic diseases),
its seriousness and dynamics of the process. Referring to history she is coming up with the present definition of
MS, NAFLD and NASH, epidemiological aspects and pathogenesis of MS. Adipose tissue and the intestine are marked
as triggers, the liver and endothelium are those which sustain the systemic inflammatory reaction. This reaction is triggered
by adipokines of adipose tissue at disorder of function of toll-like receptors in the intestine. The sub-cellular level
of MS is dependent on stress of the endoplasmic reticulum, which produces a different spectrum of proteins and continues
by cytotoxicity of mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunction. She is explaining the risk of synthetic fructose
at origination of MS in comparison with glucose. Pluripotent manifestation of MS interferes with each organ. MS triggers
are hungry neurons, hungry hepatocytes, or when there is a low quality of nutrition rich in synthetic fructose,
the whole hungry body.